Claxton Walter Holloway and Betty Killian Holloway
Cochran Funeral Home and Crematory of Blairsville announces graveside memorial services for Mr. and Mrs. Claxton W. Holloway. Claxton, age 82, and Betty, age 78, who will be placed in their permanent resting place in Harmony Grove Baptist Church Cemetery, 1008 Town Creek School Road, Blairsville. Claxton passed away on December 16, 2014 and Betty passed away on January 12, 2015. Their wishes were to be cremated. In 1998, Claxton retired and he and Betty moved back to Blairsville. In the springtime, they enjoyed sitting outside watching the hummingbirds that would come to gather nectar and had many flower gardens that they enjoyed. Betty was an avid reader and an outgoing person, who never met a stranger. In 2006, Betty had a stroke, which left her using a walker until 2012, when she became bedridden. Claxton was her faithful caregiver for all those years until his death. Claxton was a loving husband and father; he enjoyed building birdhouses, mowing the grass, and working on old clocks. He also loved his computer and Facebook. Claxton and Betty are missed so much by their loving family and friends. Brenda Moore, their daughter, wishing to carry on her healing process, will have the memorial service on Saturday, May 14, 2016, at 2:00 p.m.
Arrangements for the memorial service have been entrusted to the care of Cochran Funeral Home and Crematory.